Conversion rate optimization
using the ESR approach
for Intertop

About intertop
1. Winner of the RAU Awards-2021 in the nomination "The best
e-commerce retailer of the year in fashion" and "Fashion operator of the year";
2. Winner of RDB Awards-2019 as "International fashion operator of the year";
3. 136 stores in 27 Ukrainian cities;
4. 3.5 million online visitors per month;
5. 25 years on the market.

Intertop goals and the ESR approach
1. Focus on the income growth;
2. Quick implementation of UX/UI solutions;
3. Testing and measuring solutions' results;
4. Ongoing development of the project;
5. Risk minimization.

This is why the ESR approach was chosen
ESR (Evolutionary Site Redesign) is a step-by-step interface improvement using CRO (conversion rate optimization) principles with the aim of boosting revenue.
The main advantage of this approach is that all the changes are based on analytical data and are confirmed by A/B tests, which minimizes risks and makes investments in the interface insignificant (and recaptured in a short time).
The ESR model is composed of the following stages:
1. UX audit
- Analytics metrics analysis;
- Site users behavioral factors analysis;
- Interface expect (heuristic) analysis;
- Hypotheses formation;
- Recommendations report generation.
2. Boost phase
- Creating a roadmap;
- Creating UX/UI solutions according to sprints;
- A/B testing(if needed);
- Implementing UX/UI solutions;
- Performance measuring .
3. Continuous improvement phase
- Analyzing analytics, business goals and brainstorming new ideas;
- Creating new hypotheses and sprints;
- A/B testing(if needed);
- Implementing UX/UI solutions;
- Performance measuring.

UX audit
We explored website analytics and business areas, found interface mistakes, prioritized them, and created hypotheses for their elimination.
- Collection and analysis of customer feedback;
- Site users behavioral factors analysis;
- Interface expect (heuristic) analysis;
- Hypotheses formation;
- Recommendations report generation.

UX audit results

Boost phase
Search function optimization
Why did we identify this task as a priority?
In accordance with analytical data, 3% of the website visitors (around 60 000 people per month) used search actively. This is a rather large segment of the audience loyal to the brand, whose conversion was 6 times higher than among other users.
We studied search queries frequently entered by users

We checked the implementation on the website and identified a number of problems:
- Search query categories were not loading;
- Incorrect search results were displaying;
- There was no quick entry to goods categories.
The transaction rate from search increased by 74.64%

Evolution of the product card example
UX audit + Boost phase
We analyzed the product page and identified a number of mistakes based on the collected data (user behavior, clicks and WebVisors)
- Unclickable logo;
- The decision-making area didn’t fit on the first screen;
- The “Details” section was not obvious and got lost in the interface;
- Product description, being of no value to the user, was taking up a lot of space on the first screen;
- Little and poor-quality product photos that wouldn’t zoom in once clicked upon.

Micro-conversion from the product card increased by 31%

Continuous improvement phase of the product card
After that, a number of new issues emerged:
- The number of mobile users has increased since the target audience had become younger such that users tried to swipe and tap like in a mobile app;
- Scaling of the online store has resulted in the emergence of a new “Beauty” section – the product card that hasn’t taken into account some specific features of the products of this category had to be changed;
- The website content policy had to be updated – for example, photos showing the products on a model needed corrections to improve the aesthetic appearance.

For the desktop version:
- We designed 2 product images from different angles for illustrative purposes;
- The brand logo was moved to the product photo;
- Breadcrumbs were hidden.
New product card design changes in the desktop version after the second phase of the Intertop website optimization helped increase micro-conversion from the product card to the cart by 12%.
For the mobile version of the website, we have done the following:
- Hid breadcrumbs in the upper section of the product card;
- Added a bottom sheet navigation for showing additional information, which is standard for mobile apps;
- Moved labels to the decision-making area under the photos, so that they wouldn’t cover important parts of the image.

Evolution of the pop-up cart example
UX audit + Boost phase
Having analyzed the pop-up cart at the outset of the project, we identified the following mistakes:
- Duplicate “Add to cart” button;
- Unstructured information;
- Ineffective and malfunctioning cross-sell block.
In the Boost phase of optimization, we solved these issues.

According to A/B testing results, the conversion rate increased by 54.68%

Continuous improvement phase of the pop-up cart
Here are some new tasks that appeared:
- Average order value increased, and the pop-up cart couldn't accommodate all the items;
- Bonus program changed – the accent on bonuses was needed;
- Problems with the selection of the product size and quantity appeared.
After the second optimization phase, the following changes were introduced:
On the desktop, we:
- Fixed the area with the important order information (total amount, bonuses, discounts) and placed the “Place order” button in the upper part of the screen, so that the user could always see it when ordering more than 3 items.
- Placed the product list on the left side of the block and added the scroll option to make the cross-sell block more accessible and enhance the effectiveness of the tool.

On the mobile, we:
- Fixed the “Place order” button at the bottom of the screen for the user’s convenience.
- Made a separate block for bonuses.
- Added a button for quick navigation to the cross-sell block.
All the hypotheses proved to be workable and led to the following results:
- Conversion increased by 27% on the mobile and by 14% on the desktop;
- Micro-conversion from the cart page to the check-out page increased by 22% on the mobile and by 8% on the desktop.
The results of CRO using the ESR approach
- Checkout conversion rate increased by 128%;
- APRU increased by 71.43%;
- CR increased by 55.4%.
- CR increased by 10.5%.
- CR increased by 8.7%.
- CR increased by 12.4%.