About the project:

Green Chef is a Ukrainian brand that produces and sells balanced nutrition products and rations based on plant-based ingredients.
Problem: The current website was no longer solving business problems, and the platform was not scalable.
  • The website should be clear, engaging, and accessible, like a conversation with your best friend.
  • We need to develop an effective sales tool that will allow to make a big boost.
Service Design
Taking into account the specifics of the business, we chose a service design with the effect of Instagram, the platform where the brand's history began.
From idea to realization
  • Focus on brand values and benefits
  • Gamification and user experience
  • Emphasis on personal brand
  • Reference to Instagram
Product page
  • High quality product presentation
  • Optimized information structure
  • Presence of key purchase decision information: social proof block; additional order options (packaging, postcard, candles, etc.); blocks with custom icons listing product benefits; product features, etc.
  • Upsell and cross-sell blocks
Ration page
  • Structured, clear, and readable information
  • Emphasis on key product benefits
  • Feedback from satisfied customers
  • The page is more space-efficient and logical: unnecessary steps are removed, and complex animations are replaced with simpler elements
  • Automatic saving of previously entered data
  • The structure has been improved.
  • Reduced the page length.
Website service pages
It was recommended to implement a separate page with the terms and conditions of the loyalty program, a separate page that clearly describes the benefits with a call to action element and a quick form-fill option.
The content of the Green Chef blog is conversion-oriented by including links to products.
Results of creating a service design for Green Chef
Thanks to the team's holistic approach and close collaboration with the client, we were able to create a beautiful, customer-centric design that:
  • Emphasizes the benefits of the product;
  • Provides users with all the information they need to make a purchase;
  • Conveys the brand values.


The results of comparing analytics data for 2 weeks before and after the site launch:
  • Micro-conversion from category listing to product page increased by 23% for products and 19% for rations;
  • User engagement on the homepage increased by 49,65%.
  • The average time spent on the site was increased by 13,17%.